Best kitespot in Vietnam

Best kite spot in Vietnam

Would it be too arrogant to declare best kite-spot in Vietnam this or that place?
Which should be the reasons to declare the best kite spot? Is it just a matter of wind?

Kitesurfing lessons vietnam disclaimer kiteschool Vung tau

Are all winds or all wind intensities of equal value?   Is just wind what really scores to make of it the best kitespot?
To this and to few more questions we are going to try to answer on this kite blog entry.

On an earlier kite-blog entry we already talked about the best known kite-spots of Vietnam
Best kitesurfing spots in Vietnam

but for some strange reason we still have the feeling that, when we uploaded that small report, in spite of our best intentions to inform well and unbiasedly  about the different known kite spots in Vietnam, when what we are talking it is about learning kitesurfing, imho, there was a winner on that list.

We are talking about Vung Tau. Needless to enumerate once again the virtues of our kite spot as our website make clear.
And I know that everyone has the right to think otherwise and prefer any other Vietnam kite-spot, be this Mui ne, Phan Rang, Phu Quy or any other.

If we prefer Vung Tau  over other possible kitesurfing destinations in Vietnam, it is for several reasons.

It is very affordable, the beach is great, large and broad. It is not a slope sort of beach, which in turn, gives way to a long low tide space plus gentle breaking waves all along the beach, and, at the end of it, 13 kilometers further down, there’s a lovely kite spot when the beach meets with a river mouth.

On the water, during the good wind season -Oct to April-  you can expect to find 4 or 5 kitesurfers, to perhaps 10 or 12 during weekends, and the further you move towards the river mouth the less people you will find, being this last spot, the river mouth, all to yourself.


Let aside that Vung Tau is a panoramic coastal city of 350.000 inhabitants, with a quite reasonable traffic madness if compared with other vietnamese cities, which enjoys a gentle winter monsoon breeze from October until April.

The wind in Vung Tau it’s not quite as strong as it is in Mui ne, and far less windy than it is in Phan Rang or Phu Quy island, but as a whole and considering all aspects, if for learning kitesurfing:  Wind not too strong, water not too choppy, small shore break, broad kite beach, plenty of free space, no kitesurfers agglomeration and several different scenarios to enjoy different kitesurfing conditions in an area of 13 kilometers, still there might be some more advantages as a whole than disadvantages.

And here under we are uploading a few photos of any day kite session with some friends, just to adorne this blog entry.
We await for you in Vung Tau!

Good winds to everyone wherever you choose to go kitesurfing.

waiting for wind Vung Tau kiteschool
Waiting for wind -this the offshore beach of Vung Tau-.  It seems that not, not today, or at least not from this direction.

Some beach kitesurfing action at the end of Vung Tau beach  kite spot  in February

Nice ramps in 20 knots of East wind - Bai Sau beach Vung Tau
Nice ramps in 20 knots of East wind – Bai Sau beach Vung Tau

riding towards the beach Flysurfer Speed 5 9 meters - kitesurf in Vietnam
Riding towards the beach/Flysurfer Speed 5 model, size 9 meters – kitesurfing in Vietnam

a Polish kitesurfer on his kite holidays in Vung Tau

View from the inside towards the beach 20 knots of gentle wind in Vietnam
View from the inside towards the beach in 20 knots of gentle winds in Vung Tau kite spot / Vietnam

kitesurfing among friends Vietnam flat water kitespot Vung Tau
kitesurfing among friends Vietnam flat water kite spot Vung Tau

In the back, at the other side of the river bank is Long Hai town - wind in Vietnam
In the back, at the other side of the river bank is Long Haiwind in Vietnam

This is the part of deserted beach near the river mouth - Vung Tau kitesurfing scene
This is the part of deserted beach near the river mouthVung Tau kitesurfing scene

kite student on his third day of lessons in Vung Tau
kite student on his third day of kite lessons in Vung Tau

The kite session extends for 3 hours and the small group of kiters enjoy it - Vung Tau kitesurfing
The kite session extends for 3 hours and the small group of kiters enjoy it – Vung Tau kitesurfing

A couple more kiters join us during our December kite session at Vung Tau kitespot
A couple more kiters join us during our December kite session at Vung Tau kitespot

As the afternoon arrives the wind picks up a bit more -. Vung Tau kitespot at the river flats
As the afternoon arrives the wind picks up a bit more, / Airtime kitesurfing Vietnam

One last shot from behind the Flysurfer Speed 5 of 9 meters and towards the beach - Vietnam kite session in December
One last pic from behind the bar of the Flysurfer Speed 5 of 9 meters and towards the beach – Vietnam kite session in December

The kite session is over. Marta shows the camera a heap of small shells. Vung Tau kitespot - VietnamThe kite session is over. Marta shows to the camera some small shells. Vung Tau kite-spot – Vietnam


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