Wind in Vietnam

Wind in Vietnam

Before going to the water if you wish to have a good kitesurfing session, it is important to understand the different wind directions and how they may affect your navigation.   

excuse the mistakes

Keep this in mind: The right choice of the wind conditions and your kitespot  will save you from unexpected trouble

Kitesurf in Vung Tau and different wind directions

kiteschool in Vung Tau wind in Vietnam, learn kitesurfing beginners kite course November
In our kite school in Vung Tau beach – Vietnam, we have side to side onshore wind

Side-shore wind is this which is blowing from left or right,  it blows parallel to the beach.  This wind it is frequent in Vung Tau beach on its last part of it, next to the river mouth.
This is the ideal wind direction for kitesurfing.


Wind, which direction is straight from the sea towards the beach it is known as Onshore wind.   In our Vietnam/ Vung Tau beach we have sometimes this wind direction but if we move some kilometers towards the left side of the beach we can receive side-onshore instead straight onshore wind direction.


This wind direction can provoque rough water conditions because the waves are big and they break disorderly while the sea becomes very choppy.  Onshore wind, it’s far from the ideal wind direction and unless you are an advanced kiter you should avoid kitesurfing in this wind direction.

The wind, when coming from the side, which makes an angle of approximately 45 degrees with the beach, it’s called side-onshore wind
This is a combination of wind direction between on and side shore.

This wind direction requires some skills in order to be able to cross the shore break and incoming waves, though it is less demanding than the onshore one.
Watch out when kitesurfing in that wind direction

Vung Tau Vietnam wind, kitesurfing lessons vietnam com wind directions on Vietnam's best kitespot
different wind directions at kite beach Vung Tau

Straight offshore wind direction is the wind from land towards the sea.
Do not go kitesurfing in this wind direction.  As this wind is quite gusty, you may not be able to return to the beach.

This direction of wind you only can find in Bai Sau beach Vietnam/Vung Tau during the summer months.

With the East to West monsoon winds which blow in summer, if you are in Vung Tau you should check at the smaller beach in the other side of town.

Side-offshore wind can blow from left or right from the land and towards the water, but a bit sideways.
Though this a combination of side-shore and offshore it is also gusty and makes the possibility to return to the starting point of your navigation a very difficult task.  Do not go kitesurfing in this wind direction.

flat water kitesurfing spot vietnam - Vung Tau kiteschool in December

As the photo above this lines shows in mid-low to mid-high tide at the end of Vung Tau back beach you can enjoy perfect flat water between sand banks

Wind in Vietnam 

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